diversity research


chic-o-mat version 2
(coloured version in progress)

in cooperation with:

University of Berne, Applied Sciences, Engineering and Information Technology:
David Burri, Assistant
Prof. Dr. Werner Jenni
basis research on an new algorithm. This process was completed in June 2011

optimisation and application development
in progress

Juerg Luedi, artist, multimediacoordinator
support in web, technical contacts, design

Yeliz Kartal, in the context of her "Bachelor of Arts PHBern in Pre-Primary and Primary Education", IVP NMS
assistance fotoportraits poolpictures

the project was discontinued in December 2014

Mitchell WJT: Picture theory, University Of Chicago Press, 1995, p 56
"Any picture that is used to reflect on the nature of pictures is a metapicture." WJT Mitchell
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